集团介绍 Introduction of the group
为打造社会化教育平台,充分发挥百年交大在教育、人才、技术及信息方面的资源和优势并服务于社会,上海交通大学于1999年8月4日设立上海交通大学教育集团,以独立法人经济实体的形式对外发展终身教育事业。 In order to establish the socialized education platform and fully play the role of the resources and advantages of Centurial Jiaotong University in education, talents, technology and information, Shanghai Jiaotong University established Shanghai Jiaotong University Education Group in August 4 of 1999 and developed its permanent education cause by the means of independent-economic entity of legal person. 上海交通大学教育集团,注册资本1.5亿元人民币,现有总资产2.7亿元人民币,由十家控、参股子公司和多所院校组成,其中包括上海交大南洋现代教育中心、上海交大南洋海外有限公司、嘉兴南洋职业技术学院、上海市民办交大南洋中学及上海交大南洋附属(昆山)学校等。 Shanghai Jiaotong University Education Group has the total assets of 0.27 billion Yuan currently with the registered capital of 0.15 billion Yuan, and is composed of 10 holding and sharing subsidiaries as well as many universities , including Shanghai Jiaotong University Nanyang Modern Education Center, Shanghai Jiaotong University Nanyang Overseas Co., Ltd., Jiaxing Nanyang Polytechnic Institute, Shanghai Jiaotong University Civilian-run Middle School and Shanghai Jiaotong University Nanyang Affiliated (Kunshan) School. 上海交通大学教育集团传承百年交大“起点高、基础厚、要求严、重实践、求创新”的醇厚传统,秉持“严谨、务实、创新”的质量方针,不断探索和发展科技人才、管理人才及综合型人才的培养模式,满足社会教育需求,承担社会教育责任。坚定不移地以教育兴国为己任,扬百年交大之底蕴,以素质教育为基础,以国际合作为纽带,倾力服务社会,树立终身教育的较好品牌。 Shanghai Jiaotong University Education Group inherits the rich tradition “high starting point, think basis, strict requirement, attention to practice and pursuing innovation” of Centurial Jiaotong University, persists in the quality policy of “preciseness, practicability and innovation”, constantly explores and develops the cultivation mode of scientific and technological talents, management talents and versatile talents thus to meet with the social education demands and undertake the social education responsibility. Take education rejuvenation as its duty unswervingly, carry forward the rich deposits of Centurial Jiaotong University, base on quality-oriented education, take international cooperation as bond, try its best to serve the society and build the first-class permanent education brand.
上海交大教育集团澳大利亚课程中心 Australian curriculum center of Shanghai Jiaotong University Education Group
上海交大教育集团澳大利亚课程中心是由澳大利亚首都堪培拉教育局(BSSS)直接监管和评估的ACT海外学校,我校采用的是ACT(首都堪培拉地区)高中课程,ACT高中课程是澳大利亚官方高中课程及高中文凭证书,也是目前中国境内拥有西方教育法保证的、西方政府官方国家课程标准项目之一。 The Australian curriculum center of Shanghai Jiaotong University Education Group is the ACT overseas school directly supervised and evaluated by the BSSS, our school adopts the high school courses of ACT (region belonging to the capital Canberra) which are the official high school courses and diploma certificate in Australia and one of the national course standard projects of the western government officials ensured by the western education law in China currently. 作为澳大利亚受教育程度较高的城市,堪培拉既是澳大利亚的首都,也是澳大利亚联邦政府的所在地,并位于澳大利亚首都区(ACT)的特别地区,拥有着全方面的优秀教育资源。由于具有国家重要性,堪培拉可以说是一个拥有多元文化人口的全球性城市,吸引着来自澳大利亚和世界各地的学生以及世界较好学者的前来学习。 As the city having the highest education level in Australia, Canberra is not only the capital of Australia but also the location of the Australian federal government as well as lies in the special area of capital territory of Australia (ACT), besides, it owns comprehensive and excellent educational resources. Owing to its position in national importance, Canberra can be said to be a global city owing multi-culture population, which attracts the students from Australia and the world as well as the first-class scholars from all over the world to come for learning. 学生入读本校后注册澳大利亚首都堪培拉教育部官方高中学籍(学生个人信息录入堪培拉教育部),与堪培拉地区本土学生法律地位相同,共享优质教育资源和官方升学绿色通道;所有外教由堪培拉教育部直接委派并经过BSSS的培训和认可后上岗任教,国内配备优秀双语教师作为助教,帮助学生进行语言、知识与技能转换的适应和提高。 After the students enter the school, they register for the official high school roll (the personal information of the students will be input into the Ministry of Education of Canberra) of the Ministry of Education of Canberra-the capital of Australia, have the same legal position with the local students and share the qualified educational resources and official entrance green channel; all the foreign teachers are directly appointed by the Ministry of Education of Canberra and will hold the position after the training and recognition of BSSS, besides, excellent bilingual teachers will be equipped from the domestic to be the assistants thus to help the students adapt to the transition among the language, knowledge and skill and make improvement.
培养目标 Cultivation goal 我们致力于为世界各地的家庭和孩子们提供“面向世界,认知世界,改变世界和面向未来,适应未来,创造未来”的终生发展的教育机会。培养学生“学习能力、领导能力、创新能力、思辨能力、合作与共同发展能力、认知和发现未知能力、操作与革新能力”等以及“担当精神、责任意识、判断性思维、世界视野、全局观念”等科学能力与人文综合素质的教育、训练以及支持和服务。 We devote ourselves to provide the lifetime education chance of “facing the world, cognizing the world, changing the world and facing the future, adapting to the future and creating the future” for the families and children in the whole world. Cultivate the students with the “learning capability, leadership capability, innovation capability, critical thinking ability, cooperation and common development capability, cognition and discovering unknown capability, cooperation and innovation capability” and the scientific capability such as “responsibility spirit, responsibility awareness, propositional thinking, vision of the world and overall viewpoint”, provide the education of comprehensively humanistic quality, training as well as support and services for the students. 管理模式Management mode 学校成立国际教育管理领导小组,负责处理教学工作及日常事务协调。学校将秉承“严管理、好校风、高质量、有特色”的办学理念,坚持“德育先导、注重过程、培养能力、弘扬特长”的国际班办学方针,培养爱国、励志、好学、乐助、身心健康的具有国际视野的“现代中国人”,打造“规范、尽心、温馨、完美”的国际化办学。 The school establishes the international education management leading team to take charge of handling the teaching work and coordinating the daily affairs. The school will inherit the schooling idea of “managing strictly, building good school spirit, pursuing high quality and creating characteristic”, persist in the schooling policy of “guided by moral education, paying attention to process, cultivating capability and carrying forward specialties” of the international class, cultivate the “patriotic, aggressive, hardworking, helpful and able-bodied “modern Chinese” with international view, build the “standard, dedicated, comfortable and perfect” international schooling.
师资配备Teaching staff 汉语由中方教师任教,其他学科均由外方教师进行全英文授课,并同时安排中方双语教师担任助教,同步进行辅导教学。小班化教学,每班25人左右,聘请优秀教师担任班主任,每50名学生还配备一名出色的心理导师,负责学生的德育和心理辅导,并会为学生配备升学指导老师。 The Chinese courses are taught by the teachers from China and other disciplines are conducted by foreign teachers in an English environment, meanwhile, there are bilingual teachers from China arranged to be the assistants for tutoring. Conduct teaching in small classes with 25 persons in each class, the excellent teachers are employed to be the head teacher, besides, one outstanding psychological mentor is arranged for every 50 students to take charge of the moral education and psychological tutoring, meanwhile the entrance guidance teachers are also equipped for the students.
世界认可性Recognition from the world
我校学生可获得澳大利亚高中学籍,教学由澳大利亚堪培拉地区政府教育部直接负责管理并提供较佳质量保证。毕业后可获得澳大利亚政府颁发的高中毕业证书,在世界范围具有优越性、先进性、权威性,其毕业文凭得到澳洲所有大学及其它英语为母语地区和国家大学的认可。 The students in our school can obtain the high school roll of Australia, besides, the Ministry of Education of Canberra directly manages the teaching and provides the best quality. The students can obtain the high school diploma from the Australian government which has the superiority, advancement and authority and get the recognition from all the universities in Australia, the universities in the regions and countries taking English as native language.
节省时间和成本Saving time and cost
在国内以澳大利亚首都堪培拉地区学生身份就读,毕业后以澳大利亚毕业生的身份直接申请国外的大学,大大节约了时间和成本。 Study in domestic in the name of the student in Canberra of Australia and directly apply for the foreign university in the name of Australian graduates after graduation, which largely saves the time and cost. 学科英语优于雅思English replacing IELTS
课程内英语专业课成绩合格即可免考雅思,并且学生凭ATAR(ATAR即全澳洲高中学业考试排名,也是澳大利亚高中学生申请大学的国家统一成绩标准。)成绩直接申请澳大利亚和世界各地的大学。 If the students pass the exams of the professional courses, they will be exempt from examination of IELTS, and they can apply for the universities in Australia and all over the world directly with the ATAR (ATAR is the academic examination ranking of the high school students in the whole Australia,also ATAR is the grade standard of national unity with Australian high school students to apply for university).
全程外籍教师、小班化纯英文授课,全部课程按照澳大利亚教育部的教学大纲实施,是纯粹的官方课程,原汁原味的澳洲本土高中课程。ACT高中课程是澳大利亚各州排名第一的高中课程,入读我校的学生可获得额外学分,申请澳洲较好的大学——澳洲国立大学。 All the courses are conducted in small classes by the foreign teachers in an English environment in accordance with the teaching programme of the Ministry of Education of Australia, which are purely official courses and the original Australian high school courses. The high school courses of ACT rank first in the states of Australia, the students studying in the school can obtain extra credits and apply for the best university in Australia- Australian National University.
课程介绍 “澳大利亚首都堪培拉高中课程”即ACT课程是澳洲高中排名第一官方课程,本校学生和澳大利亚堪培拉当地高中生一样,在堪培拉教育框架内的几十门课程中选择五门课进行学习。其中文学、数学方法、高等数学为核心必修课,其余如物理、化学、生物、历史、地理、科技、会计、商科以及外语(汉语也列在其中作为外语)等科目为选修课(任选2门)。我们结合中国基础教育发展的特点和学生的实际情况以及学生未来的发展需要,我们将适时增加其他选修课。
评价体系 学生高中三年学习结束后取得ATAR(Australian Tertiary Admission Rank)成绩,该成绩按照澳大利亚首都堪培拉教育局制定的教学大纲和评价体系评定,且100%以学生三年的学业过程为依据进行评价。各项考核合格后学生可取得澳大利亚高中毕业证书,享受澳大利亚高中同等毕业生待遇。我们的学生在申请墨尔本大学、悉尼大学、多伦多大学、牛津大学、哈佛大学等以英语为母语的世界较好大学有极大的竞争优势。
课程设置 9-12年级课程设置Curriculum for Grade 9-12
课余活动 除了学术课程以外,学校还为学生提供各类社团、实践课程、游学、比赛等活动项目来丰富学生的课外生活以及一些与来自不同文化背景、不同教育体系的人们交流、学习的机会;这样不仅能互通有无,也能让我们的学生开阔视野,全面提升素质软实力,将来能在世界的舞台上做出自己的贡献。