HEUREKA !蒙特梭利中学(HEUREKA! Montessori Schule Mauer)

年龄:Ages 6 to 12 学费:from: €5,640 to: €5,640 授课形式:English
  • 学校概况
  • 学校详情
HEUREKA !毛尔Montessori Schule Mauer是一所面向6-12岁儿童的学校,HEUREKA正在应用Maria Montessori的教育理念和她经过多年科学观察后开发的成熟材料。
HEUREKA! Montessori Schule Mauer is a school for children ages 6–12, in which HEUREKA is applying the educational philosophy of Maria Montessori and her well established material that she developed after many years of scientific observations.
省/州(state) vienna
国家(country) Austria
学校官网(website) 官网
外籍英语老师(native english teachers) The school does not make this information public
拓展课程(extra languages) The school does not make this information public
平均班级容量(class sizes average)
最大班级容量(class sizes maximum)
课外活动(extracurricular activities) The school does not make this information public
校车(school bus) The school does not make this information public

课外活动(Extracurricular activities)

School start time
School finish time

关于学校(About the school)

HEUREKA !蒙特梭利学校是一所面向6-12岁儿童的学校,在这里,HEUREKA运用了Maria Montessori的教育哲学和她经过多年的科学观察而发展起来的成熟材料。
Qualities and characteristics best defining the school
HEUREKA! Montessori Schule Mauer is a school for children ages 6–12, in which HEUREKA is applying the educational philosophy of Maria Montessori and her well established material that she developed after many years of scientific observations.
HEUREKA wants to achieve, that its students go through life as happy children, and mature into successful adults. Students should acquire comprehensive knowledge, HEUREKA wants to sharpen their thinking skills and assist them in their development. Indepen
Teaching approach of the school
HEUREKA wants to achieve, that its students go through life as happy children, and mature into successful adults. Students should acquire comprehensive knowledge, HEUREKA wants to sharpen their thinking skills and assist them in their development. Indepen