申请者应该具有英国High II.i荣誉学位或同等学历
需要提交1篇Research proposal(600-1000字,2-5页)以及1篇Sample of work(2000-3000字)
类型 | 总分要求 | 小分要求 |
雅思 | 7.5 | L:7 | R:7 | W:7 | S:7 |
托福 | 110 | L:25 | R:25 | W:25 | S:25 |
序号 | 课程介绍 | Curriculum |
1 | 现代南亚导论:主要主题、概念和辩论 | Introduction to modern South Asia: key themes, concepts anddebates |
2 | 殖民主义及其遗产 | Colonialism and its legacies |
3 | 民族主义与国家建设史 | History of nationalism and nation building |
4 | 性别、家庭和家庭 | Gender, the household and the family |
5 | 种姓与文化:人类学的主要争论 | Caste and culture: key anthropological debates |
6 | 南亚阶级分析的经验与问题 | The experience and problems of class analysis in South Asia |
7 | 南亚现代政治思想 | Modern political thought in South Asia |
8 | 移民和散居 | Migration and diaspora |
9 | 南亚非殖民化与国家建设 | Decolonisation and State-Building in South Asia |
10 | 南亚公众塑造中的声音、图像和神 | Voices, Images, and Gods in the Making of South Asian Publics |
11 | 南亚历史上的劳工与资本 | Labour and capital in South Asian history |
12 | 自然保护地理:印度的自然、社会和政治 | Geographies of Conservation: nature, society and politics in India |
13 | 经济增长与发展 | Economic growth and development |
14 | Jugaad创新;对南亚的影响 | Jugaad innovation; implications for South Asia |
15 | 斯里兰卡 | Sri Lanka |