Third Military Medical University


World Ranking
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Domestic Ranking
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  • Student-faculty ratios: -
  • Male to female ratio: -
  • School nature: -
  • Website:
  • Address: Shapingba, Chongqing 400038,China
  • Phone: -
  • Global score 31.6
  • Global research reputation #1,109
  • Regional research reputation #278
  • Publications #534
    • Books #1,183
    • Conferences #1,272
    • Normalized citation impact #930
    • Total citations #615
    • Number of publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #610
    • Percentage of total publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #883
    • International collaboration #884
    • Percentage of total publications with international collaboration #1,160
    • Number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #703
    • Percentage of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #934

*The above data comes from: Official website of U.S.News

  • #576 Clinical Medicine

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    • Clinical Medicine overall score 36.5
    • Clinical Medicine global research reputation #667
    • Clinical Medicine regional research reputation #197
    • Clinical Medicine publications #228
    • Clinical Medicine normalized citation impact #709
    • Clinical Medicine total citations #328
    • Clinical Medicine number of publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #321
    • Clinical Medicine percentage of total publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #682
    • Clinical Medicine international collaboration #398
    • Clinical Medicine percentage of total publications with international collaboration #750
    • Clinical Medicine number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #387
    • Clinical Medicine percentage of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #679
  • #182 Immunology

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    • Immunology overall score 23.3
    • Immunology global research reputation #83
    • Immunology regional research reputation #12
    • Immunology publications #201
    • Immunology normalized citation impact #197
    • Immunology total citations #208
    • Immunology number of publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #208
    • Immunology percentage of total publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #202
    • Immunology international collaboration #69
    • Immunology percentage of total publications with international collaboration #195
    • Immunology number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #184
    • Immunology percentage of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #184
  • #291 Molecular Biology and Genetics

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    • Molecular Biology and Genetics overall score 32.9
    • Molecular Biology and Genetics global research reputation #163
    • Molecular Biology and Genetics regional research reputation #33
    • Molecular Biology and Genetics publications #145
    • Molecular Biology and Genetics normalized citation impact #328
    • Molecular Biology and Genetics total citations #221
    • Molecular Biology and Genetics number of publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #225
    • Molecular Biology and Genetics percentage of total publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #331
    • Molecular Biology and Genetics international collaboration #99
    • Molecular Biology and Genetics percentage of total publications with international collaboration #369
    • Molecular Biology and Genetics number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #360
    • Molecular Biology and Genetics percentage of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #391
  • #325 Neuroscience and Behavior

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    • Neuroscience and Behavior overall score 23.5
    • Neuroscience and Behavior global research reputation #231
    • Neuroscience and Behavior regional research reputation #48
    • Neuroscience and Behavior publications #208
    • Neuroscience and Behavior normalized citation impact #317
    • Neuroscience and Behavior total citations #248
    • Neuroscience and Behavior number of publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #297
    • Neuroscience and Behavior percentage of total publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #357
    • Neuroscience and Behavior international collaboration #234
    • Neuroscience and Behavior percentage of total publications with international collaboration #337
    • Neuroscience and Behavior number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #208
    • Neuroscience and Behavior percentage of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #226