- Student-faculty ratios: -
- Male to female ratio: -
- School nature: -
- Website: http://www.spbstu-eng.ru/
- Address: Polytechnicheskaya, 29,St Petersburg, 195251,Russia
- Phone: -
- Total number of students 18,420
- Number of international students 4,479
- Total number of academic staff 2,092
- Number of international staff 205
- Number of undergraduate degrees awarded 3,243
- Number of master's degrees awarded 1,624
- Number of doctoral degrees awarded 127
- Number of research only staff 467
- Number of new undergraduate students 4,728
- Number of new master's students 2,809
- Number of new doctoral students 292
- Global score 41.9
- Global research reputation #459
- Regional research reputation #78
- Publications #917
- Books #915
- Conferences #356
- Normalized citation impact #862
- Total citations #929
- Number of publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #858
- Percentage of total publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #742
- International collaboration #17
- Percentage of total publications with international collaboration #268
- Number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #798
- Percentage of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #640
*The above data comes from: Official website of U.S.News
#195 Physics
Show ranking metrics under this major
- Physics overall score 63.9
- Physics global research reputation #101
- Physics regional research reputation #15
- Physics publications #178
- Physics normalized citation impact #462
- Physics total citations #296
- Physics number of publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #258
- Physics percentage of total publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #446
- Physics international collaboration #135
- Physics percentage of total publications with international collaboration #450
- Physics number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #282
- Physics percentage of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #422