- Student-faculty ratios: -
- Male to female ratio: -
- School nature: -
- Website: http://portail.umons.ac.be/EN2/Pages/default.aspx
- Address: 20, place du Parc,Mons, B7000,Belgium
- Phone: -
- Global score 42.8
- Global research reputation #1,147
- Regional research reputation #447
- Publications #1,049
- Books #1,183
- Conferences #791
- Normalized citation impact #100
- Total citations #777
- Number of publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #711
- Percentage of total publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #73
- International collaboration #202
- Percentage of total publications with international collaboration #18
- Number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #616
- Percentage of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #107
*The above data comes from: Official website of U.S.News
#469 Chemistry
Show ranking metrics under this major
- Chemistry overall score 42.2
- Chemistry global research reputation #618
- Chemistry regional research reputation #272
- Chemistry publications #637
- Chemistry normalized citation impact #159
- Chemistry total citations #473
- Chemistry number of publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #419
- Chemistry percentage of total publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #135
- Chemistry international collaboration #277
- Chemistry percentage of total publications with international collaboration #19
- Chemistry number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #267
- Chemistry percentage of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #102
#301 Physics
Show ranking metrics under this major
- Physics overall score 56.3
- Physics global research reputation #376
- Physics regional research reputation #225
- Physics publications #415
- Physics normalized citation impact #93
- Physics total citations #287
- Physics number of publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #283
- Physics percentage of total publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #71
- Physics international collaboration #374
- Physics percentage of total publications with international collaboration #105
- Physics number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #276
- Physics percentage of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #109