- Student-faculty ratios: -
- Male to female ratio: -
- School nature: -
- Website: http://www.uni-rostock.de/
- Address: Universität Rostock,Rostock, 18051,Germany
- Phone: -
- Global score 43.4
- Global research reputation #686
- Regional research reputation #348
- Publications #502
- Books #754
- Conferences #517
- Normalized citation impact #645
- Total citations #507
- Number of publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #483
- Percentage of total publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #586
- International collaboration #869
- Percentage of total publications with international collaboration #421
- Number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #476
- Percentage of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #564
*The above data comes from: Official website of U.S.News
#159 Chemistry
Show ranking metrics under this major
- Chemistry overall score 61.0
- Chemistry global research reputation #214
- Chemistry regional research reputation #185
- Chemistry publications #161
- Chemistry normalized citation impact #194
- Chemistry total citations #153
- Chemistry number of publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #158
- Chemistry percentage of total publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #264
- Chemistry international collaboration #387
- Chemistry percentage of total publications with international collaboration #245
- Chemistry number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #158
- Chemistry percentage of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #218
#538 Clinical Medicine
Show ranking metrics under this major
- Clinical Medicine overall score 38.4
- Clinical Medicine global research reputation #600
- Clinical Medicine regional research reputation #243
- Clinical Medicine publications #397
- Clinical Medicine normalized citation impact #499
- Clinical Medicine total citations #418
- Clinical Medicine number of publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #383
- Clinical Medicine percentage of total publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #488
- Clinical Medicine international collaboration #893
- Clinical Medicine percentage of total publications with international collaboration #524
- Clinical Medicine number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #328
- Clinical Medicine percentage of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #370
#296 Neuroscience and Behavior
Show ranking metrics under this major
- Neuroscience and Behavior overall score 26.3
- Neuroscience and Behavior global research reputation #231
- Neuroscience and Behavior regional research reputation #102
- Neuroscience and Behavior publications #272
- Neuroscience and Behavior normalized citation impact #219
- Neuroscience and Behavior total citations #264
- Neuroscience and Behavior number of publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #261
- Neuroscience and Behavior percentage of total publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #268
- Neuroscience and Behavior international collaboration #269
- Neuroscience and Behavior percentage of total publications with international collaboration #164
- Neuroscience and Behavior number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #222
- Neuroscience and Behavior percentage of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #205
#488 Physics
Show ranking metrics under this major
- Physics overall score 42.4
- Physics global research reputation #472
- Physics regional research reputation #225
- Physics publications #409
- Physics normalized citation impact #381
- Physics total citations #428
- Physics number of publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #381
- Physics percentage of total publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #324
- Physics international collaboration #261
- Physics percentage of total publications with international collaboration #158
- Physics number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #434
- Physics percentage of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #420
#372 Plant and Animal Science
Show ranking metrics under this major
- Plant and Animal Science overall score 35.9
- Plant and Animal Science global research reputation #232
- Plant and Animal Science regional research reputation #76
- Plant and Animal Science publications #515
- Plant and Animal Science normalized citation impact #270
- Plant and Animal Science total citations #440
- Plant and Animal Science number of publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #431
- Plant and Animal Science percentage of total publications that are among the 10 percent most cited #333
- Plant and Animal Science international collaboration #360
- Plant and Animal Science percentage of total publications with international collaboration #186
- Plant and Animal Science number of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #411
- Plant and Animal Science percentage of highly cited papers that are among the top 1 percent most cited #370